Sunday, November 20, 2011

Husband Card

I love my Dad.  He is one of the most God-fearing, God-honoring, loving, selfless, gracious, hard-working, servant-hearted people I know.  Until Jon came into my life over 4 years ago, he was the main man in my life.  There was never a time where I was insecure or felt unwanted or unloved, because he took his role as "Dad" seriously.  I never felt the need to seek attention and affection elsewhere, because I always knew how much he loved and cherished me.  He was my greatest protector, defender, greatest support, and he has always been a constant in my life.  Aside from my relationship with Jesus Christ, I am the person I am today because of him. 

Whilst cleaning my room this afternoon, I stumbled upon my "Husband Card".  When I was 14 or 15, my dad gave me one of the best pieces of advice (among many) and that was to compose a list of character qualities I would want to have in a future husband.  At the time, I thought it was a strange thing to do, and I actually put it off for a while.  Eventually I did sit down and write it, and I'm so grateful I did and that my Dad encouraged me to so do. 

The point of the Husband Card is to, in a moment of clear, rational, non-emotional thought, create a guideline or check list of all the qualities that would make a good husband.  It would be something I would reference whenever I entered the dating scene and would be looking to find a future spouse. 

When I read it again this afternoon, it was the coolest thing to compare my husband to the things I wanted in a husband when I wrote it.  He matches up perfectly.  I decided, therefore, to write out my card for those who want to read it and perhaps do something similar.  I'm so grateful that my dad encouraged me to do this, because it helped me choose a God-fearing, loving and honoring man to be my husband.  I strongly encourage others who have not yet found their spouse to do so as well - you won't regret it.  So, here it is:

Husband Card

I. Spiritual Character
  1. Strong, devoted Christ Follower (check)
  2. Open about and willing to share his faith (check)
  3. Challenges me to grow in my walk with Jesus Christ (check)
  4. God fearing man (check)
II. Character
  1. Leader (check)
  2. Moral (check)
  3. Hard-worker (check)
  4. Ethical (check)
  5. Not a work-a-holic (check)
  6. Gentleman (check)
  7. Honest (check)
  8. Generous (check)
  9. Kind (check)
  10. Respectful (check)
  11. Considerate(check)
  12. Humble(check)
III. Personality
  1. Funny (check)
  2. Gentle (check)
  3. Open (check)
  4. Serious minded (check)
  5. Talkative, but not "non-stop" (lol, check)
IV. Goals
  1. Start a family (check)
  2. Wants to home school kids (likely a check)
  3. Is willing to be sole provider for the family (check)
  4. Definitely no divorce (check)
V. Requirements Prior to Marriage
  1.  Good, solid education (check)
  2. Graduate from college with degree (check)
  3. Good solid paying job (grad school counts, so check)
  4. Financial Stability (check)
  5. Not a divorced man (lol, definitely check)
VI. Outward Appearance (lol, that covered too, thankfully, it's not too bad)
  1. Stays in good, reasonable shape (check)
  2. broad shoulders (lol, yup, check)
  3. muscular arms (lol, yup)
  4. Good posture, knows how to carry himself (check)
  5. Strong (yup)
So there you go.  That's my husband card.  I thank God constantly that He gave me my Dad who loved, cared for and protected me, and prepared me to know what to look for in a Godly husband  Praise God for Who He is and the blessings He richly pours on His children who don't deserve it. I'm so grateful for my Dad and I'm so grateful I followed his advice.  It's truly been a blessing.


  1. Well, what do I say to this most wonderful post other than I'm terribly humbled and honored that you think this way of me honey (with tears in eyes). It's an honor and privilege to be your Dad and I cannot tell you how assured I am that the man you chose to marry will exceed me by leaps as he continues as a husband and soon a father. I'm glad you found your husband card, I really am.

    As for you Jennifer, you have been and will always be my favorite first child!:) I have deep levels of love for you honey.


  2. Well Jenn, I have to hand it to you, you have helped me know what I should be as a good man and as a good future husband. I certainly know that I have some work to do in order to achieve some of those goals personally because it the kind of person I want to be; not the person I have been. So maybe in the future when the right girl comes along, I will impress her with some of these things that are on your "Husband card".

  3. Aw, you're so sweet Paul - I'm glad I could help in whatever small way! I was so grateful to be able to find a man who possessed so many of the above qualities. I know that your future girlfriend/wife will greatly appreciate the work you put into becoming a strong, God-honoring man [though, I'm sure you already are - you've got great parents ;)]. :)
