Wednesday, April 10, 2013

My top 10, sort of... :)

This blog has been a bit weighty lately, so I decided to write a happy, lighthearted post about the awesome guy I get to spend the rest of my life with. 

I figured that the best (and easiest...) way to do this was to list the top 10 things I love about him and what make him so awesome.  So here goes.

  1. He loves Jesus and constantly strives to love, obey, honor, glorify Him and is always trying to become more Christ like.  He strives to have a regular quiet time and also strives to encourage me in mine.  He's such a godly leader an I'm the luckiest to have him as mine. :)
  2. He is incredibly funny and makes me laugh like no one else.  Whether he's intentionally trying to make me laugh, being cheesy/ridiculous, driving absentmindedly,(i.e.sometimes when we've needed to go someplace, he's driven to one location, out of habit, until he realizes that we actually need to be at a completely different place), or what have you, there isn't a day that goes by that he doesn't crack me up in some form or another.
  3. He takes care of me.  When I'm sick, tired, or just trying to accomplish things throughout the day, he's always there to help me with anything I might need.  If I need something up high, all I have to do is call my wonderfully tall husband and he's there to help me grab the item I need that is out of reach.  He also won't let me carry things when we're leaving the grocery store, or any store for that matter.  This makes me laugh a lot because he often accuses me of trying to diminish his manliness when I try to take any bag.  LOL.
  4. He kills spiders and other large bugs in the house.  He's super manly.
  5. He helps me keep the house clean and orderly, often times without my help.  Since I work full time, often I don't have the energy or motivation to clean up the house when I get home, but on many occasions, my wonderful, servant-hearted husband has already done all the work by the time I get home.  He's amazing.
  6. He's encouraging and supportive.  When I'm bothered by something about myself or a situation I'm in, he constantly encourages me, supports me, tries to help in any way he can, and helps me to right my thinking about whatever I'm dealing with. 
  7. He's so gracious and forgiving.  No matter how many times I've sinned against him, he is always so quick to extend forgiveness when I've sought it.  Afterwards, we go right back to where we were before, as though nothing happened.
  8. He's so loving and kind.  There isn't a day that goes by that he doesn't tell me he loves me, hug or kiss me.  There also isn't a day that goes by that we don't spend a good deal of time together, either reading, watching a show, talking, playing a game, exercising, etc.  He's almost always around (excluding when he and I are at work or he's in class) and I absolutely LOVE that.
  9. He is so stinkin smart, like seriously.  He graduated undergrad with honors and probably higher awards too (I have a terrible memory and it was almost 4 years ago) and now he's in his 3rd year of grad school pursuing his PhD in Political Science and he makes it look as easy as, I don't know, riding a bike or brushing his teeth, or something.  It's ridiculous.  He is so incredibly intelligent and he makes it look effortless.  It truly is incredible to watch someone pursue something that you know God created and gifted them to do.  I have loved every minute of watching him go through this program and watching him excel and impress his professors and expand his knowledge to limits I can only dream of achieving.  It truly is a joy to be with him as he goes through this.
  10. He's wise and smart with money.  This is one of the things I most appreciate about him because it means I never have to worry about whether we have enough money to do something or not.  He sets a perfect budget for us to ensure that we're not spending beyond our means, and that we're wisely tackling what debt we have left.  
  11. He's an incredibly diligent and hard worker.  No matter how many tasks he might have to complete, whether for school or work, there is never one second of worry that he won't accomplish everything he needs to when he needs to.  He knows that there is a time for relaxation and a time for hard work and he balances them perfectly.  This is one of the many reasons he excels in school and work.
  12. He's romantic.  Whether its little gifts like movies or other items that I have wanted, buying me flowers, or planning awesome date days like re-living college for an afternoon, he's often finding ways to show how much he loves me.  And boy does this girl feel loved. 
  13. He comes from a crazy awesome family.  I've been so fortunate to marry into the Moore family and to gain 5 more siblings and 2 more parents.  They're kind, generous, fun and have great senses of humor.  Seriously, they're awesome. 
  14. He's really, super attractive.  Like, seriously.
  15. He doesn't stress easily.  In the past, when I encountered stress, I usually freaked out, panicked, got upset, nervous, etc.  With him, I rarely stress out about things now, because he doesn't.  He almost always remains calm, ensures me that everything will alright and that what needs to be accomplished, addressed, etc. be taken care of.  He's so calm and in control and it's rubbed off on me over our 5 years of being together.  So now, instead of freaking out, more often than not, I respond to those types of situations like he does.  It's wonderful not being stressed.
  16. He's a great brother-in-law.  My siblings absolutely adore him and in so many ways, he's the older brother they never had.  He's always willing to help them out with stuff when they need it, whether it's related to school, personal stuff, games, goals, etc.  He has had a huge impact on them and I know they love him a lot.
  17. He's my best friend.  There is no one I want to spend more time with than Jon.  He is my confidant, biggest supporter, the person I rely on most, the person who makes me laugh most, the one who makes me feel cherished and loved, makes me feel safe and protected, and the person I have the most fun with.  He's my exercise partner, challenges me, helps me achieve my goals, and he's my toughest competitor when we do anything remotely competitive, which, with me, is almost anything (and sadly I'm usually the loser...).  He's everything I hoped I would find in a husband and more.
Ok, that was top 17, but honestly, I could have kept going to who knows what number.  Point is, I'm one incredibly lucky girl to have such a great man to be my husband. 

I love you bebe - thanks for picking me to be your wife.  Everyday with you is truly a blessing and I'm so grateful that God brought us together.

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