I really enjoy cooking. The only problem is, I hate cooking.
Quite the paradox isn't it?
I should clarify. When I say "I really enjoy cooking", I do mean it. When I'm cooking something on the stove top or oven, with the delicious smells and tastes of nearly ready food, it's wonderful. When the finished product is ready for consumption, it's awesome to know that I made it and (usually) it tastes really good. Plus, it's a fantastic opportunity for me to serve my family.
Now, when I say "I hate cooking", what I really mean is, I hate everything that precedes the actual cooking part. Finding a recipe, checking to see if you have all the supplies, near-throwing-in-the-towel when you realize that you have to make a Wal-Mart run for one key ingredient, then preparing it all to finally be made edible....it's a pain.
Additionally, I'm a creature of habit. I spent 4 years in college, either having meals all ready for me(cafeteria, not personal chef...though that would have been awesome) or fixing up whatever was fastest and easiest. I probably made 5-7 legitimate, lengthy prep-time, meals while I lived in an apartment my senior year. It's shameful, I know. Aside from those rare times, dinner usually consisted of a sandwich, bowl of soup with crackers, or a bowl of cereal. If I was feeling adventurous or sick of sandwich,soup, or cereal, I'd cook a chicken breast and add some spaghetti noodles and marinara sauce. I know. Impressive....
Unfortunately, aforementioned habits have carried over into married life. Problem with that is, I'm not feeding just myself anymore. I've got a husband to take care of now. That's not to say, however, that he's incompetent or incapable of feeding himself. He's actually made several delicious meals for us and usually helps me when I'm cooking - he's truly a wonderful husband.
Truth be told, I'm just lazy. Often when I get home from work, the last thing I want to do is spend 30 mins to an hour preparing food to eat. It's so much easier to grab a bowl of cereal and sit on the couch for the rest of the evening.
My poor husband.
Well, I've decided that it's time for me to stop being so lazy. Cooking is a great way to serve my husband, it often provides meals for a few days afterwards, and usually saves money. It's time for me to start being the domestic woman I want to be rather than the woman who has the desire but no will-power to follow through.
Therefore, my goal for the first week in April is to cook a meal every day or after left-overs are gone. As a way to hold myself accountable, I will post pictures (granted I figure out how to do that on here).
Here's to domestication! Woo!
Don't be too hard on yourself Jenn...I've been married for almost 24 years now and still have the love/hate relationship with cooking! Aunt Cindy